
Chapter One :Chapter 1

Just before this morning, I firmly believed that I was a fortunate woman: I had a boyfriend during university, and our five-year love marathon was about to end; after struggling for two years in this city, my boyfriend and I bought an apartment, we have a mortgage, but we are able to enjoy a bit of a luxurious lifestyle every week; every day, I have to contend with all sorts of peculiar customers, yet by the end of the month, I can still receive the Best Employee award. Moreover, we are going to hold our wedding in this hotel in just one week.

However, when misfortune struck, I finally understood that happiness is merely a bubble invented by the heart, which bursts upon the slightest touch.

In this very hotel, four hours ago, I personally saw my fiancé cradling a woman's face in his hands, even more infuriating is that her face was only the size of a palm.

And then, they kissed as if there was no one else around.

The man who was calling me "baby" over the phone just yesterday morning, was embracing another woman this morning?

Of course, I wouldn't depart in tears like the good women we often see in soap operas. However, upon getting closer, I realized that the woman who was seducing my fiancé was none other than his female colleague from the Sales Department.

Looking back, this woman appeared before me more than once, and I didn't suspect a thing.

My fiancé was the first to notice my presence, but the panic only flashed across his face briefly before he ushered his mistress to leave first.

The two of us were left standing in the hotel where we were supposed to get married. Stubbornly, I asked, "How long have you two been together?"

My fiancé hesitated for a while before finally saying, "Ten months and three days."

In other words, this pair of scum and green tea bitch have secretly been together for nearly a year, and I was utterly clueless.

I reached out to slap my fiancé, only to have him viciously block my hand. I asked him why he would still want to marry me after betraying our relationship, his reply was, "After all, we have been together for such a long time, I ought to take responsibility."

To hell with his responsibility!

This wedding will have to be called off.

The hotel is booked, the wedding banquet is arranged, and in a few days, my parents and relatives will be coming from out of town. The money for the wedding car and the photographer has been paid. How am I supposed to explain all of this to everyone?

"I don't wish to inflict harm on public safety, but whenever I think of those scumbag men and infidel women, I just want to stride forward with a pack of explosives, sharing the same fate with them."

Then, the door to my home opened.

I lifted my head and saw that my fiancé, Yang Heng, walked in. He glanced at me sitting on the floor, then, without a word, walked to our bedroom.

The sounds of rummaging came from the room. I walked in to have a look only to see him packing clothes.

"So, you're off on a business trip again?" I asked him, my tone laced with sarcasm. Surprisingly, I could muster a laugh.

Just three days ago, Yang Heng had lied about being on a business trip, which now brought a bitter smile to my face. He was obviously with his mistress.

Caught off guard by my words, Yang Heng stayed silent for two seconds before finally speaking: "You are too emotional right now; let's talk when we've both calmed down."

"Calm down? How the hell am I supposed to calm down?” I stormed towards him, snatched the clothes from his hand, threw them onto the floor, and bellowed, “Our wedding is in two days. Why are you doing this to me?"

Yang Heng, now provoked, gave me a stern look, saying, “Yuan Xiaojie, if you still wish to get married, don't make everything so awkward."

I stood there, bewildered. His threat had been thinly veiled.

"I’ve been tolerating you for long enough," Yang Heng swiftly grabbed his clothes again, saying, "The only reason I’m going through with the wedding is because of our shared past. Anyone else would've skedaddled a long time ago."

I was struck dumb; I never expected these words from him.

"Why are you glaring at me?" Yang Heng met my gaze, saying, "Yuan Xiaojie, do you know how much you irritate me? When I look at you, I feel embarrassed. You haggle over vegetables with market ladies, you inspect the fruits excessively before buying, and that outfit you’ve been wearing–it’s so outdated and yet you continue to wear it."

I stood there dumbstruck, not thinking that love and hate could change so quickly.

"We've been together for too long. I’m tired of it. I’m sick of the same three positions in bed. And what I despise the most is watching you slurping instant noodles at your computer every night. Yuan Xiaojie, you weigh 130 pounds now." He sighed, shaking his head in defeat, grabbed his bag, and headed towards the door.

"I will still marry you. Just don't amplify the situation, or else, it's not me who would feel embarrassed."

That was the parting remark Yang Heng left me with before he went.

Numbly, I turned around, catching my reflection in the mirror, unable to stop my tears from falling.

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